How it started
Hi, I’m Max Merritt I started my own window cleaning and exterior cleaning company back in April 2020, after spending the best part of a decade in the workplace education sector. During this time I was responsible for thousands of students education and learning in the workplace, helping them achieve nationally recognised qualifications and apprenticeships. I started Training for window cleaners due to the lack of recognised and standardised training in our industry, enabling window cleaners to access the training they need to improve health and safety standards as well as grow their own business. I’m also the host of a podcast called the Apprentice window cleaner (click the android or apple icon below to take a listen) that I started to share my own journey and help people with tips and advice having industry experts on as guests. You can check it out on any good podcast player. If you have any questions or I can help in any way feel free to connect with me on whatsapp, email or Linkedin below.