There is a lot of legislation around the use of vehicles at work and their maintenance. Health and safety legislation also puts the onus on employees to ensure the health and safety (as far as reasonably practicable) of their employees. Importantly, this includes driving on public roads. By managing road safety that’s work related employers can help to reduce the amount of road-related incidents. For example, this means that there is less absenteeism due to injuries, less costly repairs to vehicles (and the associated insurance costs), fewer incidences of people missing orders, and of course a reduction in running costs.
This driver safety course module has been designed to highlight awareness and refresh information regarding safety whilst driving at work.
By the end of the course you will have learned about:
- Understand the reasons for driving safely
- Be aware of both employers & employees responsibilities
- Be aware of the dangers of driving too fast
- Demonstrate understanding of different types of driving hazards and good driving practices
Course content:
- Introduction
- Inappropriate speed
- Driving and mobile phones
- Drinking and driving
- Driving in winter
- Safety tips
- Multiple choice questions